We Fight to Maximize Your ProfitAt Claim Supplement Pro, we help our clients estimate and negotiate claims quickly, accurately and efficiently without leaving money on the table. Here is what makes us special:
Our client-friendly system keeps detailed records of every email and phone call. You can see what stage in the process a claim is in at any moment from anywhere, making our real-time reporting invaluable. Our monthly reports will show you a high-level picture of how things are progressing, and gain the added confidence of knowing you have the experienced, reliable and professional supplements team you need.
We are state licensed Public Adjusters who can represent your customers in front of the Insurance companies and fight for not approved deals. We have a strong success ratio of 85% with Appraisals.
An outstanding customer service is at the core of our values and who we are! We continuously optimize and simplify our operations. At Claim Supplement Pro, everything we create is to maximize your profit and to serve you better.
Do Not Face Negotiations Alone!